If install fails, unable to re-install eDirectory on Windows

  • 7000561
  • 04-Jun-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Windows 2003
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for Windows 2000


If the install fails and does not complete correctly, it is not possible to re-install eDirectory, nor to uninstall eDirectory. 

Attempting to re-install will prompt that an incomplete install occurred and requires an uninstall. Trying to uninstall using Add/Remove programs will prompt that an incomplete install occurred and will remove eDirectory from the list of programs but not uninstall completely.


Follow the below steps to remove incomplete install:
1. Uninstall using Add/Remove programs after accepting prompt that an incomplete install occurred and will remove eDirectory from the list of programs.
2. Delete NDS folder from the installed location of incomplete install.
ex: C:\Novell\NDS
3. Delete \Program Files\Common Files\Novell\ni\data folder, since it contains ip.db database file required by installation framework. 

Start the installation from fresh. Install should progress after following
above steps.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Look for following logs to know cause for the installation failure:

\Program Files\Common Files\Novell\ni\data\nioutput.txt

\Program Files\Common Files\Novell\ni\data\ni.log

\Program Files\Common Files\Novell\ni\data\nierrors.log