How do I get Patches and Support for the Crystal Reports software bundled with Novell Sentinel?

  • 7000546
  • 03-Jun-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Crystal Reports Server
Novell Sentinel 6.0
Novell Sentinel 6.0 Report


Novell Sentinel ships with Business Objects' Crystal Reports Server. According to Business Objects' documentation at the following link patches should sometimes come through the reseller of Crystal Reports.

Support for the Crystal Reports software is also a concern as Novell is using the Business Objects software and shipping it with Novell Sentinel.


The OEM warning from Business Objects is for vendors that take the original install of Crystal Reports and then customize it in some way to meet specific needs. For example changing part of the installation or doing other small changes that could affect patches are cause for concern. Novell does not make any of these customizations to the install and instead just ships the Business Objects' software's own ISO unmodified so it should work properly with all of the patches from Business Objects. The patches should therefore be retrieved directly from their site.

Support for Crystal Reports is done through Novell Technical Support (NTS). If interaction is needed with Business Objects due to a problem that is not related to the Sentinel side it can often be opened through Novell. For issues not related to Sentinel the call should be made directly to Business Objects.