Adding packages to a bundle and/or mirroring fails after updating to ZLM 7.2 IR1 Hot Patch 5

  • 7000525
  • 24-Feb-2009
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management - ZLM7.2


ZENworks Server database schema fails to upgrade on a ZENworks 7.2 Linux Management IR1 HP4, after applying IR1 HP5. This issue can be observed in the /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/zenworks-release.log file.Adding packages to the bundle or mirroring may fail on the ZLM Server as a result of this.Also, the server preferences may not be updated in the database.


The solution to the issue is not generic and therefore will be addresed only through a custom database clean up script. To address this issue, contact Novell Support, it would require the server logs and backup of ZENworks postgres or oracle database.