Changing existing users visibility do not update Address Book

  • 7000471
  • 24-May-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


GroupWise 7 Support Pack 3
NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7
Microsoft Windows XP Support Pack 2


Objective is to 
1. Isolate the address books of 2 existing Post Office with user's populated.
2. Restrict the information in the address book to Post Office user's only.


Working as Designed.

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate,

1. Load the console One.
2. Access the user Property > GroupWise > Account
3. Set the User's visibility to Post Office.
4. Apply and Synchronize GroupWise.

This should make the user visible only to the Post Office users. But this is
not the result and the user is still visible to all the GroupWise user's.

If we follow the same process for a newly created user it works fine. The new
user is only visible to Post Office user's