GroupWise WebAccess Time Zone Setting Incorrect, Changes to Time Zone Setting Do Not Save

  • 7000436
  • 20-May-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7.0 Support Pack 3
Novell GroupWise WebAccess


When logged into GroupWise WebAccess, the Time Zone displayed at the top of the page is incorrect.
Changing Time Zone setting in GroupWise WebAccess client (under Options > Time Zone tab) does not save the correct time zone.


The problem is caused because of a version mismatch between the WebAccess Application and the WebAccess Agent. Because of changes to the timezone tables in GroupWise 7.0 Support Pack 3, both the Application and Agent need to be updated at the same time. If one or the other is left at an earlier version, the time zone will not display correctly.

To resolve the issue, verify the version information for your WebAccess Application and Agent and then update the older component to version 7.0.3.

NOTE: To check your version information for the WebAccess Application, login to WebAccess and click on "Novell® GroupWise® WebAccess" in the top left-hand corner (above the Mailbox & Calendar tabs)