Setting up disclaimer on Novell Remote Manager Fails

  • 7000405
  • 16-May-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare Remote Manager


When setting up the Remote Manager to include a disclaimer, the portal page works properly in the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, but fails in Mozilla's Firefox web browser. The HTML code for the disclaimer page is displayed.


On the console, run "EDIT SYS:/LOGIN/prtldisc.htm". This will display some initial bad characters, or hidden characters. Remove those hidden characters, and reload the page using the web browser.

Additional Information

This is actually caused by starting from the SYS:/LOGIN/prtltxt.htm file, which initially has hidden characters. These hidden characters cause the Firefox web browser to display as default plain/text, due to it's unwillingness to sniff the content type.