Novell Identity Manager Notes Driver and NDSREPLastProcessedTime

  • 7000226
  • 28-Apr-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.5
Novell Identity Manager Driver - Lotus Notes


Noticed a problem with our current Notes Implementation (IDM 3.01, Windows based, Lotus Notes 7).

Even non-associated Notes Person Documents where extended with a hidden attribute named "$NDSREPLastProcessed". Last Modifier is the Admin of the server running the ndsrep process. Because ndsrep runs on a server of its own, there is a concern that the driver will cause replication conflicts when ndsrep stamps the person document after seeing a change.

The impression is that the driver never touches the person document if we don't associate the object?


Double-check the Notes field name in question. We don't think it is '$NDSREPLastProcessed', but is more likely '$NDSREPLastProcessedTime'.

$NDSREPLastProcessedTime will be added onto Notes documents if the driver's "Write Time Stamps?" configuration parameter setting is set to 'true'. If this additional field is not wanted on their documents,, then the "Write Time Stamps?" driver setting can be set to 'false'. "Write Time Stamps?" is set to 'false' in the default driver configuration.

This issue was addressed recently on CoolSolutions ( ).