GW Users are now allowed to Purge Trash

  • 7000210
  • 25-Apr-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7


According to company policy GroupWise users are not allowed to purge their trash.
Recently several Post Offices were discovered to allow Purging.


In this case someone had changed the NCF file that runs tsafs to include /enableGW
/enableGW will place a timestamp on the messages when they are backed up. A timestamp on the messages allows GW users to purge their trash.
removing /enableGW resolved the issue.

Additional Information

Also, please verify in ConsoleOne, that GroupWise is set to not allow Purging. In C1 | Tools | GroupWise Utilities | Client Options | Environment | Cleanup tab | Make sure the Allow purge of items not backed up is Unchecked.
This can be set at each Domain, Post Office and User level, it would be best to verify each Domain & Post Office client options settings.