Hence, if each eDirectory server in a replica ring runs the same eDirectory version and has the same SLP Directory Agent and SLP Scope configuration, then they will all register a ndap.novell service with exactly the same URL and exactly the same attributes with the same Directory Agent(s) in the same Scope(s).
By default, the boolean 'net.slp.checkSourceAddr' in the Security section of the OpenSLP configuration file (/etc/slp.conf) is set to 'true'. In case OpenSLP is configured to have the Directory Agent component enabled (net.slp.isDA = true), then the effect of this parameter is that regardless to the usage of Authentication Blocks, the SLP Directory Agent will only allow registration of exactly the same service from the eDirectory replica that registers the ndap.novell service for a given partition first and returns an AUTHENTICATION_FAILED error (error code 7) to any other eDirectory replica in the ring that tries to register the same service later.