Novell GroupWise 7
Message Transfer Agent shows Post Office closed.
Message Transfer Agent shows Post Office closed after Migration.
Last Closure reason: link or transport down.
Edit the POA startup file.
Add the following lines in POA startup file at the bottom.
/MTPINPORT - [the unique port on the server running the POA, Default 7101].
/MTPINIPADDR - [the TCPIP address of the server running the Post Office Agent].
/MTPINIPADDR - [the TCPIP address of the server running the Post Office Agent].
/MTPOUTPORT - [the unique port on the server running the MTA, Default 7100].
/MTPOUTIPADDR - [the TCPIP address of the server running the Message Transfer Agent].
Additional Information
Rebuild the Postoffice after Migration.