How to deploy the IDM.war or IDMProv.war to Weblogic 10

  • 7000110
  • 16-Apr-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.6
Novell Identity Manager 3.5.1
Bea Weblogic 10


Currently Novell's Idenitiy Manager User Application 3.6 only lists JBOSS and Websphere when using the installer for the User Application. To deploy the IDM.war or IDMProv.war to Weblogic 10 follow the required steps oulined in this TID.


The following are the steps required to get an IDM war file enabled to run on Weblogic 10.

Step 1.  Create Websphere version of IDMProv.war or IDM.war using the instructions provided with IDM installer.
    Run installer and select Websphere.
    Provide the needed data elements for the Database, LDAP configuration and data required during the installation.
    This will create a war that is ready to be modified and then deployed to Weblogic 10.

Step 2:  Setup files and directory structure to be used for updating the IDM[Prov].war .

Extract the weblogic-idm-dependencies.jar provided to the directory that contains the war file that needs to be updated,
    the default for this folder is c:\Novell\IDM on windows.
  This will create a directory structure that starts with weblogic-tid.

Step 3:  Update the War file with the required dependencies.
    Run the following command to update the war from the folder specified above. jar -vuf IDM[Prov].war   -C weblogic-tid WEB-INF
    The war has now been updated with the needed dependencies and is now ready to be deployed. The next steps will outline the Weblogic pre-deployment configuration that needs to be performed before the WAR may be successfully deployed.

Step 4: Install JSF 1.1 war that is provided with the installation of Weblogic 10 as a web library dependency.

    Open up the Weblogic Admin console for Weblogic and perform the following:
    In a browser goto http://localhost:[7001]/console and login.
    Select Lock and edit.
    Deployments and Install
    Locate the jsf-ri-1.1.1.war, the WAR should be located at $BEA_HOME\wlserver_10.0\common\deployable-libraries, select and Next.
    Select the radio button 'Install this deployment as a library', Next.
    Then Finish.
    Activate Changes.

Step 5: Server startup script modifications – Copy the following resources to a folder.

    Copy the antler-2.7.6 from the weblogic-tid folder where the dependencies jar was extracted; 
        to   folder to $BEA_HOME/user_projects/domain/lib/ext or any other folder that you like, we will need to use this folder in the next sub-step.
    Locate the sys-configuration-xmldata.xml and idmuserapp_logging.xml.
        If you went through a WebSphere install sys-configuration-xmldata.xml will be located in c:\novell\IDM and
        the idmuserapp_logging.xml is provided in the extracted weblogic-tid folder.
    Copy these files to a folder that will be referenced in the next step by -Dextend.local.config.dir=changeme -Didmuserapp.logging.config.dir=changeme,
        they should get copied to the changme part of the settings.

Step 6: Modify $BEA_HOME/user_projects/domain/bin/setDomainEnv.cmd

    Open the file $BEA_HOME/user_projects/your_domain_name/bin/setDomainEnv.cmd
    Locate a reference to the following 'set JAVA_OPTIONS=', this should be the one around line 258.
    Add the following before this line.
        set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dextend.local.config.dir=changeme -Didmuserapp.logging.config.dir=changeme
    Locate the line with 'ADD EXTENSIONS TO CLASSPATH' and add the following
        set EXT_PRE_CLASSPATH=changeme_to_the_folder_that_contains_antlr-2.7.6.jar e.g(c:/bea/user_projects/domain_name/lib/ext/antlr-2.7.6.jar)

Step 7: Create the datasource

Create a Data Source as outlined in Weblogic Documentation, the JNDI name for that Data Source should be jdbc/IDMUADataSource.

Step 8: Deploy the war using the standard Weblogic practices.

Step 9: Navigate to the URL of http://locahhost:[7001]/IDMProv

Additional Information

When running configupdate.bat you will need to point to the cacerts file under the JDK you are using.  If you not using that same JDK as specified during the installation you will need to run configupdate.bat on the war.  Paying attention to the JDK specified.  This entry will need to point to the JDK used by Weblogic. The purpose for this is to import a cert for the connection to eDirectory.