Novell iFolder 2.1
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5
Customer wanted to add an additonal LDAP context to the iFolder LDAP server as some user objects had moved in the tree.
iManager / iFolder Server admin refused to return any contexts when clicking the search button.
Creating a new LDAP server did not allow the adding of any new contexts.
LDAP traces showed that a full list was being returned to the iManager server, just not displayed.
As a workaround we manually added a value to the attribute
iManager / iFolder Server admin refused to return any contexts when clicking the search button.
Creating a new LDAP server did not allow the adding of any new contexts.
LDAP traces showed that a full list was being returned to the iManager server, just not displayed.
As yet unresolved.As a workaround we manually added a value to the attribute
Modify the Attribute iFolderLDAPContexts on the iFolder_ldap01 object in
the tree.
This can be done in Console One under the other tab or with an LDIF import.
Add the of ou=xxx.o=xxxxx context as a value to the attribute.
This allowed the additional user accounts to log into iFolder.
This can be done in Console One under the other tab or with an LDIF import.
Add the of ou=xxx.o=xxxxx context as a value to the attribute.
This allowed the additional user accounts to log into iFolder.