Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise WebAccess 6.0
GroupWise 6 WebAccess Application and WebAccess Agent being used
One GroupWise 7 user unable to login using GroupWise 6 WebAccess
ERROR: "Login failed: UserID" on the WebAccess Agent Screen
ERROR: "Please login again. You may have typed your name or password incorrectly. Remember that passwords are case sensitive." on the login screen
Corrective Actions:
Upgrade to GroupWise 7 WebAccess Agent and Application
Workaround Steps:
Testing shows that if the user account has more than 4961 folders in the GroupWise Mailbox, GroupWise 6 WebAccess Agent fails to login. This includes the default folders such as the Home Folder, Mailbox, Contacts, Sent Items, Calendar, Checklist, Documents, Cabinet, Work In Progress, Junk Mail, Trash. Delete folders that are not needed from the mailbox to reduce it to 4961 or less