Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management - ZfD6.5
Novell ZENworks Middle Tier
Novell ZENworks Management Agent
Novell ZENworks Middle Tier
Novell ZENworks Management Agent
Unable to change password when prompted if Grace Logins =1
Error: "Change directory password failed: Error code (0xc7b000b)"

Error: "Change directory password failed: Error code (0xc7b000b)"
1. Change the password before the Grace Login count gets to 1.
2. After the password change failure, have the Admin change the password or increase the Remaining Grace Logins.
Fixed in ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 or newer found at Novell Support
Fixed in ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 or newer found at Novell Support
Additional Information
Any password change attempt will cause LDAP to take away the last remaining grace login.
So, if that change password attempt fails for some reason (old password not correct, new password too short, non unique password was used, etc), the grace login for LDAP to use is now gone and now you can't change the password. There is no way around this issue programmatically so the user would need to get the Administrator to reset the number of Grace Login's and attempt the password change again.
Formerly known as TID# 10095647
Change Log
23 Feb sperrin changed the word programability to programatically per tid feedback.