Service Pack 1a (SP1a) is a revision to SP1 which resolves minor installation issues and defects discovered with SP1.
Service Pack 1b (SP1b) is the second revision to SP1 which resolves minor installation issues with foreign operating systems and provides availability of the Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Update Agent
ZENworks Patch Management Agent for Linux/Unix/Mac (LUM) 6.4 SP1 contains the latest cumulative fixes and performance enhancements. Customers are highly recommended to install this update.
ID | Title |
8589 | 6.3488 LUMN Agent installs to HP-UX with UID 509 and group 500 ownership on some files |
13869 | Mac Agent not able to read changes to mac OS pertaining to software script\systemprofiler\plist |
26266 | Solaris 10, x86 does not report ANY vulnerability information on 6.4 agent |
38759 | Updating Mac Agent from 6.2094 to 6.4102 renders System Preferences applet unusable |
39991 | Remove the software application location from the MAC software inventory entry |
40107 | IP Grouping is not occuring when the data comes from a LUM Agent |
40677 | Inventory for a MAC to include Software, Hardware and Services |
40680 | Temporary file and log files stored in the wrong location on a LUM agent |
40683 | LUM Agent on MAC reporting the wrong hostname |
40685 | Deployment Status File Exists on Root Directory |
40741 | Agent Process Nice Value Can Not be Set |
TID 3931327 |
ZPM Update Agent for Linux/Unix/Mac P2 |
TID 3908994 | Security Update for ZPM Update Agent for Linux/Unix/Mac 6.x |
Below are the list of fixes included in the PatchLink Update Agent 6.4 SP1a (6.4191) for Linux/Unix/Mac:
ID | Title |
46052 | SuSE 10 IP Address Collection not functioning correctly |
46521 | SP1 LUM Update Agent unable to Create Local Directories |
46778 | MacOSXSystemProfileTextParser Throws a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException When an OS X System has Above 10 Interfaces |
Below are the list of fixes included in the ZPM Update Agent 6.4 SP1 (6.4185) for Linux/Unix/Mac:
There are two methods of delivery for the Support Pack 1 Agent Update:
Patch Name | Patch Description |
C - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Update Agent Upgrade for Linux/Unix/Mac from 6.0 or higher to 6.4185 (See Notes) | This patch is designed to be deployed from your Update Server to upgrade your existing Update Agent for Linux/Unix/Mac to version 6.4185. |
B - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Update Server 6.4 Service Pack 1 | This patch is designed to be installed on the Update Server 6.4 to replace the existing Agent Installers that is hosted on the Agent Installers Page. |
Installation Notes
- This patch will upgrade previous Agent versions 6.0 to 6.4191
- Deploying this to a system that doesn't meet the requirements may result in the Agent going off-line; fixing it will require manual intervention.
- Automatic installation uses the "at" subsystem to run the upgrade detached from the running Agent. On Mac OS X, "atrun" will be automatically enabled and disabled, if needed.
- Automatic installation will normally "complete" successfully before actually upgrading the Agent. The actual installation is scheduled with "at" for "now + 2 minutes." When the actual upgrade is complete, a DAU will occur, and the server will become aware of the change.
- The new Agent will run out of the "patchagent" directory; some earlier versions ran out of a different directory.
- 43975: Devices Inventory is not able to reflect service changes on Apple Mac 10.3