GroupWise Forwarding Rules Retract Messages After Forwarding Properly

  • 7000016
  • 07-Apr-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7


GroupWise Forwarding Rules meant to forward internal messages to various groups or people work for a determined amount of time and then seem to become 'corrupt'.
They begin retracting the messages almost immediately after sending them.
If the receiving user is able to 'touch' the message within a short amount of time after the message is forwarded, then they can retain it.


These symptoms describe a defect in the GroupWise Rule Forwarding code.
If a 'Sent Items' Expiration Date is set in the client or universally at some location, the rule will begin adhering to that policy at the specified day length after the creation of the rule. Once that limit is reached, regardless whether or not the messages themselves are at the Expiration day limit, the client will begin to retract messages immediately after sending them.
Currently there are only workarounds for the issue:
A. In the GroupWise Client or in ConsoleOne on the Post Office, move to 'Tools | Options | Send' .
Therein, note the 'Expiration date' check box and the number of days listed.
If desired, increase it or remove the limit altogether.
B. If the limit is required, delete and recreate the offending rules before the expiry date is reached.
This will need to continue indefinitely until the defect is fixed.