What was the initial maximum size of my Sentinel database?

  • 3999501
  • 16-Aug-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Sentinel 6.0.xx
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
RedHat Linux
Solaris 9
Solaris 10


In Sentinel 6 the maximum database size can be set to a user-defined value. A new feature in Sentinel 6 allows for the initial size to be only a fraction of that maximum size so the tablespace files can grow over a period of time. This allows for a faster installation and smaller backups while the database is still smaller than the maximum tablespace size. It may be useful to determine what this initial size was set to during the Sentinel installation.


To view this information go to the Sentinel home directory ($ESEC_HOME) and inside there find the 'install_log/db' directory structure. This directory holds a file named dbinstall.log containing installation information.

An example default location on SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLES) 10 may be: /opt/novell/sentinel6/install_log/db/dbinstall.log . Inside this file is a line like the following:

"Sentinel database size: 07-05-18_00-38-59-PM Started database install for ESEC, minimum db size 5000, maximum db size 10000"

This installation was set with a maximum tablespace size for all tablespaces of ten gigabytes (10,000 megabytes).

It is also possible to get the maximum tablespace size as currently set from the database system. See the vendor's documentation on an appropriate SQL command to do this.