Accessing Identity Manager policies causes iManager to freeze.

  • 3978405
  • 05-Oct-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iManager 2.6
Novell Identity Manager 3.0
Novell Identity Manager 3.5
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10


When using the latest version of Mobile iManager 2.6 on Linux with the Identity Manager (IDM) plugins the policies of the IDM drivers cannot be accessed. Selecting a policyset brings up the window with available policies but selecting any one of these causes iManager to freeze requiring it to be restarted.


A workaround exists for this in using a regular web browser by pointing it to the following URL while running Mobile iManager:


This uses your local browser to do the page rendering while using Mobile iManager to access the data and format the pages. The latest IDM and Universal Password plugins implement functionality which is not compatible with the built-in browser integrated into Mobile iManager. This leads to the observed symptom. Using an external browser leaves that freezing component out of the picture.

iManager 2.7 resolves this issue as well in its Mobile version.