Login problems with alias user containing dots in the alias username

  • 3975897
  • 05-Dec-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Client for Windows Vista 1.0.0 Login


When logging in as an alias user with a name containing dots (i.e. a.user), the Novell Client will pop up a confirmation box asking if you want to login a the alias user name. After clicking OK on this box, you are presented a Novell Login box where you can login successfully. 
Create a users OU in e-directory. Users are standard 8 character names in the form of "auser".
Create another OU that contains alias' to the users OU. Alias users are dotted names in the form of "a.user", pointing to the standard users in the users OU.
Install the Vista client. Enable the setting "Allow Dots in Novell username" in the Novell Client properties.
Set the context to the OU containing alias accounts.
Try to login as an alias user.
A confirmation box with a message is presented, such as: 
   You are already logged in to the network as user auser.
   Do you still want to log in as .a.user.ou.o?
After selecting "Yes" to the message another box appears. This is a Novell Security Message stating: 
The system could not log you into the network.
   Make sure your name and connection information
   are correct, then type your password again.
After clicking OK on this box, you are presented a Novell Login box where you can login successfully. 


Resolved in the Novell® Client™ SP1 for Windows Vista*.
Install the current Novell Client for Windows.