Unable to get Exchange server site for server

  • 3975352
  • 12-Jul-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise Gateway - 7.x Gateway for MS Exchange
Microsoft Exchange Server 2000
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Exchange installed in a Active Directory Child Domain


Purpose:  Installing Novell GroupWise Gateway for Microsoft Exchange when Exchange is Installed in a Child Domain

Symptom:  Starting Gateway results in Error: Unable to get Exchange server site for server
Cannot install GroupWise Gateway for Exchange correctly

Cannot run GroupWise Gateway for Exchange


Install.exe for the Gateway installation has been modified to allow installation to Exchange server when Exchange is installed in a child domain.
Please use Install.exe may 10, 2007 or later.

The Current work around in older code:
Modify a path in the registry to remove the child domain from the path which is incorrectly added during the install.

This setting can be found in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\novell\GroupWise
Gateways\Exchange\gateway name\Parameters
Modify the Key "Domain" and remove the DC for the child domain

Example "Domain" Key value:

Childomain.parentdomain.com (incorrect)

Modify to read

Parentdomain.com (modified)"

Note:  This issue can also be seen when the Exchange Services are not started.