Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise GateWay for Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Exchange 2000
Microsoft Exchange 2003
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell GroupWise GateWay for Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Exchange 2000
Microsoft Exchange 2003
Cannot send reply to all
Cannot send reply to all
To field on the reply message contains email address format that cannot route back to the exchange user
To field on the reply message is in U.P.D@Internet domain
554 delivery error:
550 No Such Recipient.
To field on the reply message is in U.P.D@Internet domain
554 delivery error:
550 No Such Recipient.
Corrective Actions:
Add Internet Addressing Over rides for the External Domain representing the Exchange users:
Add Internet Addressing Over rides for the External Domain representing the Exchange users:
Internet addressing over rides can be set on the External Domain, Post office or user objects for granularity.
- In ConsoleOne go to the External Domain, post office or users properties
- Go to GroupWise Tab
- Go to Internet Addressing Tab
- Place a Check mark in the override box and add Internet address over rides for email address format to be the desired Exchange users format IE:UserID@Domain.
- Place a Check mark in the Domain override box and add Internet Addressing Over rides on the Internet Domain name to match the Internet domain of the Exchange system users.
Adding the above settings will cause all mail sent from GroupWise users destined to Exchange users to route out the GroupWise Internet agent.
To avoid this if desired and have mail route from GroupWise user to Exchange user through the GroupWise Gateway for Exchange please add the following additional configuration steps.
- In ConsoleOne highlight the GroupWise system Title on the left
- go to tools / Groupwise system operations / Internet addressing
- Add the Internet domain names for the Exchange system.
Adding the Exchange Internet domain names to the GroupWise systems Internet addressing will allow the GroupWise system to understand that the mail going to Exchange users is to be kept internal and allow it to route to Exchange Via the Gateway.
Additional Information
Steps to duplicate.
GroupWise system connects to Exchange system using the GroupWise Gateway for Microsoft Exchange.
1. A GroupWise user sends email to an Exchange user and an Internet email address.
2. The Internet address recipient opens the message and chooses to reply to all
3. The reply message will not route to all users as the Exchange users email address format is not correct and is in a format such as follows user.po.domain@internetdomain