ZENworks image no longer works in a cluster after upgrading to Support Pack 1

  • 3961416
  • 11-Aug-2006
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 - ZDM7
Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1
Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 - ZDM7 PreBoot Services (PXE)
Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 - ZDM7 Imaging
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 3 Cluster


Automated imaging finds no work to do.
During installation of the ZDM7 SP1 a Java login window appears. User is unable to put in login credentials.
DNS is not configured in the network environment.
Installation log says that the installation was successful.



  • Fix DNS so its consistant with hostname lookups- both short name and long
    name reverse and forward lookups or
  • Insert the names ( again shortname and longname) into the local machines
    hosts file