ERROR: "null” when installing ZENworks 7 Desktop Management

  • 3959690
  • 12-Sep-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1


ERROR: "null” installing ZENworks 7 Desktop Management after selecting a server object in the tree.


Check the "Network Address” attribute of the server object and make sure there is a TCP and UDP address.

If there isn’t a TCP and UDP address, on the server console, load Monitor | Server Parameters | NCP | NCP Exclude IP Address – this may be set to ALL, which could cause this problem.

To fix it, set NCP Exclude IP Address to NONE or set NCP Exclude IP Address to the IP address of a NIC that the ISN’T used for NCP traffic in case the server has two NICs.

If the server has one NIC, "NCP Include IP Address” can also be set to ALL.

If the server has 2 NICs, "NCP Include IP Address” can be set to the IP address of a NIC that IS used for NCP traffic. Exclude has priority over Include.

This may also fix the problem:

On the server console:

dsrepair -a

Advanced options

Servers known to this database

"Enter” on the server name

Repair selected server's network address.