Novell GroupWise 7 Support Pack 2
Novell GroupWise Client for Windows
Novell GroupWise Client for Windows
After the SP2 client has been installed the client crashes on
startup. The problem follows across workstations. If
using an earlier client then clicking on the Mailbox folder prompts
the user to select to view in one or two columns.
The mailbox folder had been set to View by Panels. To
workaround the issue until a more permanent fix is available set
the Mailbox back to View by Details. To do this use an older
client, SP1 for example, and change the Display properties on the
Mailbox folder. Save the settings and log back in with with
SP2 client
The client build dated 12-11-07 or later does not show this
issue. The issue has been resolved and will be released in
the GroupWise 7 support pack 3 client.