Novell ZENworks for Servers 3.0.
Novell Management and Monitoring Services.
Novell Alarm Management.
The high utilization fluctuates up to 100%, but the server is still responsive.
Large numbers (Hundreds of Thousands) of Active alarms slows down Consoleone.
The Java Alarm thread is the busiest thread.
ConsoleOne screen refreshes become slower as Active alarms increase.
ConsoleOne screen refreshes will start to take hours.
The NetWare Server Management Agent default configuration is the desired configuration for hundreds of servers in an Enterprise environment (meaning many alarms are being sent on a daily basis).
Active alarms are not being 'Handled' on the Active alarm screen.
Active alarms are arriving too freguently to be 'Handled' on the Active alarm screen.
Error: "Error decoding Packet: Snmp2.SnmpException: Parse Auth: Incorrect VarBind"
The edited, custom NWTRAP.CFG, NDSTRAP.CFG, & NMA5.NCF files should be pushed out to all NetWare servers with the full Server Management Agent installed. Run UNNMA5.NCF and then NMA5.NCF to activate the changes. With NMA5.NCF modules running, use the file server HELP command to see the NWTRAP and NDSTRAP command line options. NWTRAP LIST ENABLED and NDSTRAP LIST ENABLED will confirm what alarms are truely active. When editing the NWTRAP.CFG andNDSTRAP.CFG, use only the '#' sign for remarking out lines.
As potentially a short term solution, to filter what Alarms ConsoleOne sees in the Active Alarm screen of the potential thousands of unwanted alarms by each server that are of Severity= Unknown, Informational, & Minor Alert (or any Alarm for that matter) do the following:
1. Select the
Site Server object, right mouse click, select Properties.
2. Select the 'Alarm Disposition' TAB.
3. From the Alarm Template table, select the rows where Severity=
Unknown, Informational, or Minor and click on Edit Button, select
Edit and the Alarm Disposition dialog will open.
4. Select 'Other Configuration' TAB.
5. Uncheck the 'Archive' and 'Show On Ticker Bar' check boxes,
click OK, then Apply.
After this,
Alarms of Severity Unknown, Informational, & Minor Alert will
be ignored by the ZfS3 system in ConsoleOne. The high utilization
on the Java Alarm thread will still remain, but the server should
still be responsive and available. Active alarms that have already
been received will still have to be 'Handled' in the Active Alarm
If there are to many Alarms in the database already, restoring the
empty database files ( \ZENWORKS\MMS\EMPTYDB ) that was an option to
create during the install, can be restored. To restore the
\EMPTYDB\ files, unload all ZFS modules, including MGMTDBS.NCF,
move all the \ZENWORKS\MMS\DB\*.* files to a holding directory and
replace with a copy of all the \ZENWORKS\MMS\EMPTYDB\*.*
Handled Alarms' will still be in the database till the Alarm Purge
documentation ) purges them. They can be manually deleted from the
Alarm History.
This has been reported to development. Automated options for'Handling' of some or all Active alarms have been requested and are
being considered for a future product release.
Additional information:How to Use the Alarm
Management System of ZENworks for Servers 3.
New info (12/12/2003): The first time NWTRAP.NLM and NDSTRAP.NLM
are loaded (NMA5.NCF) after the very first install of the NetWare
Server Management Agent, the NWTRAP.CFG & NDSTRAP.CFG files are
read (if exist) and will use this configuration. The information
from the .CFG files is entered in the NetWare registry at \My
Server\Software\Novell\NMA\NWTrap& \NDSTrap.
The next time NWTRAP.NLM& NDSTRAP.NLM are loaded (NMA5.NCF)
the configuration is read in the registry and not from the .CFG
files. Any subsequent changes made to the .CFG files must be
updated to the registry by using the READ_CFG command for bothNWTRAP.NLM& NDSTRAP.NLM. This can be done dynamically at the
server console prompt if NMA5.NCF is running. The READ_CFG
parameter can also be added in the NMA5.NCF file, but only if the.CFG is wanted to be read every time NMA5.NCF runs.
So what does this mean in regards to ZFS3SP2.EXE as it installs
new, more restrictive NWTRAP.CFG& NDSTRAP.CFG?
If you install Service Pack 2 on an existing ZfS installation (or
upgrade an existing environment to ZfS 3.0.2) the support pack will
copy the new .CFG files to the server. Due to the fact that the
registry is already the configuration of the NWTRAP, the new .CFG
files won't be used. To resolve this, use READ_CFG once so that the
new settings get applied.
On a new installation with ZfS 3.0.2 the modified .CFG files are
used the first time NWTRAP.NLM& NDSTRAP.NLM are loaded withNMA5.NCF.
Additional Information
The Server Management Agent is the default configuration for NWTRAP.NLM & NWTRAP.CFG and NDSTRAP.NLM & NDSTRAP.CFG and NMA5.NCF (meaning many alarms are being sent on a daily basis).
Error: "Error decoding Packet: Snmp2.SnmpException: Parse Auth: Incorrect VarBind
Packet from: x.x.x.x : 161
30 50 02 01 00
04 05 64 68 73 62 62 a2 44 02 02 01 bb 02 03
Formerly known as TID# 10074368