Novell iChain 2.3 Support Pack 5a (build 2.3.347)
iChain 2.3 SP5a (build 2.3.347)
How do I properly set my iChain 2.3 SP5a box to the Arizona
timezone, which doesn't change for Daylight Savings Time
You must be on iChain 2.3 SP5a (build 2.3.347) or later, to
properly handle DST issues.
To set your iChain 2.3 box for Arizona timezone (or a timezone
like Arizona that doesn't follow DST...that doesn't change time
with DST) you have to do the following:
1. In the iChain admin web gui, on the System->Timezone
tab, select the Arizona timezone.
2. Click the "Apply" button.
3. Reboot the iChain box. NOTE: you must reboot for
settings to properly take effect.