Cannot backup the Access Manager configuration with

  • 3945501
  • 31-Jan-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Access Management 3 Access Administration
Novell Access Management 3 Linux Novell Identity Server


When backing up the Novell Access Manager configuration store using the (/opt/novell/devman/bin on Access Administrator server), the backup process fails. The following are a list of errors reported in the log file created by the backup process:

- AM#201003041: Failed to retrieve certificate names from eDirectory. Error: Error: -601, Error: -601
- AM#201003048: Not all items were backed up.
- AM#201001003: Failed to backup certificates and keys.


Change the /opt/novell/devman/bin/ so that EDIR_SERVER_DN and EDIR_SERVER_DN_DOT parameters have underscores in the place where hyphens can be found. The problem is introduced when the Access Administrator servername has a dash ('-') character in it.

This is only introduced during the install process, thus it does not recur after you have changed the script.

The bug will be fixed in IR1.