Scoping (SLOADER.NCF, NXPCON.NLM) Discovery on a ZFS Site server after the initial install and before the first run of Discovery.

  • 3941442
  • 30-Nov-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks for Servers 2.0.Novell Management and Monitoring Services.
Novell ZENworks for Servers 3.0.
Novell Management and Monitoring Services.
Novell ZENworks 6.5 Server Management Support Pack 2 - ZSM6.5 SP2 Management and Monitoring Service
Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management Support Pack 1 - ZSM7 SP1 Management and Monitoring Service


Scoping (SLOADER.NCF, NXPCON.NLM) Discovery on a ZFS Site server after the initial install and before the first run of Discovery.


After the ZFS install, but before restarting the server or the ZFS processes:

Note: For Site Sever Discovery to function as designed, the Site Server must be a routing server (IP/IPX) before the install of MMS. If it wasn't a routing server before the MMS install, see TID
10072445 'Uninstalling / Reinstalling Novell ZENworks for Servers.' Also, the Site Server must be able to communicate with the router interfaces via SNMP (router SNMP strings added to the SNMP configuration in the NetExplorer Console Utility). If that is not possible, to manually add objects for ZFS 2, get the patchZS2DISC.EXE. ZFS2DISC.EXE is built into ZFS 3 and later and explained in the documentation. For MMS to gather the full SNMP information, it must know the SNMP string for that agent.

1. After the install, remark out SLOADER.NCF in the AUTOEXEC.NCF so that it will not load on server startup. MWSERVER.NCF & NETXPLOR.NCF can be remarked out as well and loaded manually after the server has been restarted. These three NCF files do not need to be ran to make a backup of the SYBASE database.

The ZFS 3 Install prompts for creating an empty database (Stored in \ZENWORKS\MMS\EMPTYDB\). Step 2 can be skipped with ZFS 3 or later if the empty database was created when prompted during the install.

2. To make a backup of the SYBASE database before starting SLOADER.NCF for the first time:
a. Run MGMTDBS.NCF so the database engine is running.
b. In ConsoleOne, right click on the Site Server object and select Properties, then Database Administration, then Monitoring & Mgmt. Services DB Backup.
c. Type in or browse to the path to where you want the backup to be stored and select Apply or OK. The empty database files are copied to the defined storage path. Use the utilityZFSDBPB.EXEto query the empty database before running SLOADER.NCF for the first time, or if SLOADER.NCF is not running.

3. The empty database files in the backup directory can be manually restored when needed by stopping all ZFS processes (see TID10059273 ( removing all files by the same name in the SYS:ZFS\MWSERVER\DB\ directory (the paths for the Sybase databases are defined in the SYS:SYSTEM\MGMTDBS.NCF file) and copying in the empty files and then restarting the ZFS processes after scoping and environment changes are complete. Letting the MWSERVER.NCF and NETXPLORER.NCF run for a period of time before starting SLOADER.NCF allows the discovery processes to develop more complete information before being inserted into Sybase. Make sure the

4. SLOADER.NCF can be un-remarked in AUTOEXEC.NCF.

Note: Backing up the database before SLOADER.NCF runs the first time is a good way to allow for ZFS Scoping changes at a future date and then restoring the empty database so the Discovery changes are saved fresh to the SYBASE database. This process could also be used if infrastructure, SNMP string changes are made, or if the Scope is more restrictive. The new information will be re-saved to the restored empty SYBASE database by running SLOADER.NCF. Once an object's attributes are saved to SYBASE, new information can be added by Consolidator to the discovered objects, but existing attributes will not necessarily be changed, especially if the link between the discovery database object and the SYBASE database object is broken. Objects cannot be manually deleted from or added to SYBASE via ConsoleOne in ZFS 2. Editing is possible in ZFS 3 and later, but delaying the start of SLOADER.NCF is still useful.

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10067261