Sentinel 6.0.xx Sentinel Control Center
Sentinel 6.0.xx
Sentinel 6.0.xx
The 'Navigator' and 'Worklist' frames in the Sentinel Control
Center (SCC) can be docked along the side of the SCC or can be
closed to save room. If they are closed and the preferences
are then saved before the SCC is closed these frames do not
reappear when the SCC is reloaded. This prevents the use of
the content in these frames for this user. This setting is
per-user in the Sentinel system.
This has been resolved with the latest patch for the SCC.
This can also be resolved by loading the SCC after modifying the
startup script (control_cneter.sh or control_center.bat) and adding
the ' -nopref' option (without quotes) after the console.jar.
This loads the SCC without the preferences stored in the Sentinel
system and allows the previously-hidden frames to be displayed