This article describes a list of fixes in the new version of the Update Agent for Windows 6.4 P-2 (Rev. 2) ( and Update Agent for Linux/Unix/Mac 6.4 P-2 (6.4102).
Applies To:Novell ZENworks Patch Management Update Agent 6.4
Patch Name:Novell ZENworks Patch Management Update Agent 6.4 P-2 Rev. 2 (Windows and Linux/Unix/Mac)
Description:Below are the list of fixes included in the Update Agent 6.4 P-2 Rev. 2 ( for Windows
Note:Revision 2 of Update Agent 6.4 P-2 for Windows was released on 10/11/07.
Vista Agent
does not register with Update Server when installed to communicate
with Update Server through an authenticated proxy. (15593)
The Agent Inventory Log Displays with Extra Characters (small
boxes) when Viewed from the Log Viewer in the Windows Vista Agent
Control Panel. (25971)
The Timestamps in the Windows Vista Agent Agent.Panel.Error Log are
Surrounded by Quotation Marks. (25974)
Agent upgrade/install downgrades MSXML4.dll. (26277)
In rare circumstances, DAU fails on Windows 2003 Enterprise
Edition, SP1. (26382)
In rare circumstances, Agent becomes unresponsive after
registering. (26456)
In rare circumstances, GravitixService.exe exits memory with no
error after registering with Update Server. (26750)
Persistent CLOSE_WAIT port state on endpoints when 6.4 Update
Agents communicate to Update Server through a Proxy. (26613)
Agent not determining correct applicability if pre-req checks for">= and <=" range. (26791)
Vista Agent: The PDDM can’t appear when deployment is beginning.
User cannot turn the System Tray Icon on and off on the
Notification Manager tab of the Vista Agent. (36547)
Description:Below are the list of fixes included in the Update Agent 6.4 P-2 (6.4202) for Linux/Unix/Mac:
Agent not
determining correct applicability if pre-req checks for ">= and<=" range (26791)
Solaris 10, x86 does not report vulnerability information on 6.4
agent (26266)
Mac Agent not able to read changes to mac OS pertaining to software
script\systemprofiler\plist (13869)
Delimiter for Adding an Agent to Multiple Groups Via the CommandLine Silent Install is Incorrect; should use the PIPE to delimit
between group names (26787)
DAU fails when you have software installed which has a null
character or no characters in for the version number
Lumension Security Engineering has created the following fixes:
C - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Update Agent Upgrade for Windows from 6.0 or higher to (Rev. 2) (See Notes)
This patch is designed to be deployed from your Update Server to upgrade your existing Update Agent for Windows to version Note: This patch was updated 10/11/07.
C - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Update Agent Upgrade for Linux/Unix/Mac from 6.0 or higher to 6.4202 (See Notes)
This patch is designed to be deployed from your Update Server to upgrade your existing Update Agent for Linux/Unix/Mac to version 6.4202.
B - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Update Server Update for Agent 6.4 P-2 (Rev. 2)
This patch is designed to be installed on the Update Server 6.4 to replace the existing Agent Installer Page. Users can click PatchLink Update Server Update for Agent 6.4 P2.msi to download and install this patch manually. Note: This patch was updated 10/11/07.
This patch will upgrade previous Agent versions 6.0 to version
Reboot is not required.
This patch will upgrade previous Agent versions 6.0 to 6.4202
Deploying this to a system that doesn't meet the requirements may result in the Agent going off-line; fixing it will require manual intervention.
Automatic installation uses the "at" subsystem to run the upgrade detached from the running Agent. On Mac OS X, "atrun" will be automatically enabled and disabled, if needed.
Automatic installation will normally "complete" successfully before actually upgrading the Agent. The actual installation is scheduled with "at" for "now + 2 minutes." When the actual upgrade is complete, a DAU will occur, and the server will become aware of the change.
The new Agent will run out of the "patchagent" directory; some earlier versions ran out of a different directory.
Known issue
GravitixService.exe returns a C++ Runtime Error: Pure Virtual Call during manual/automated restart of the PatchLink Update service.
Patch Name:C - Novell ZENworks Patch Management Update Agent Hotfix for Windows Agent