The Vista (32 bit) and Vista (64 bit) tabs are not available within iManager

  • 3929179
  • 18-Oct-2007
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for Linux Open Enterprise Server 2
Novell iPrint for NetWare Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7


Vista print drivers can be stored only on Broker/Driver Store servers with NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7 or Open Enterprise Server 2. These Operating Systems use iManager 2.7 with an updated iPrint plugin. To view the Vista print driver tabs within iManager, you must be running one of the two updated OS's.

There are two known conditions where the tab won't be available, even when running the required versions of NetWare and OES.


1. Role Based Services
When RBS is configured in a pre-NW65 SP7 or OES2 environment, the collection does not know about the Vista tab. Once iManager and the iPrint plugin are updated, then they still don't know about the Vista tab. You must follow these steps to upgrade the RBS Collection to include the Vista driver tabs.

a. Log into iManager
b. Click the Configure button
-button along the top blue band, man sitting behind the desk
c. Role Based Services -> RBS Configuration
d. Click the link under the Out-Of-Date heading.
e. Follow the links to complete the process to update the Out-Of-Date collection.

2. iPrint plugin not updated
When upgrading to Support Pack 7 on NetWare 6.5, there are times when the iPrint plugin is not upgraded. iManager is upgraded to 2.7, but the iPrint plugin dated 24AUG2007 or later is not applied. Follow these steps to resolve this problem:

a. Log into iManager
b. Click the Configure button
-button along the top blue band, man sitting behind the desk
c. Plug-in Installation -> Available Novell Plug-in Modules
d. Check the box for the iPrint Linux Management Plug-in.
e. Click the "Install" link and follow the steps to install the updated plug-in.