Unable to access exteNd Application Server when running as a service

  • 3923920
  • 31-Jul-2007
  • 16-Mar-2012


Novell exteNd Application Server 5.2.1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition


Unable to access the exteNd Application Server with a browser from a different machine (remote) than the Windows 2003 server that it was running on if the exteNd Application Server is running as Windows Service.
Error: "Unable to connect" in the browser
This behavior is not seen if the exteNd Application server is started manually.
This behavior is not seen if the exteNd Application server is running as Windows Service and the browser that is used is on the same Windows 2003 server.


The SilverServerService.exe file has not been added to the Firewall on the Windows 2003. Once the file was added to the Firewall, then remote browsers where able to access the exteNd Application Server when it was running as a Windows Service.