Web Console not running due to Apache Tomcat crashing when TNSNAMES.ORA not used to connect to database

  • 3922218
  • 30-Jul-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7.5 Asset Management - ZAM7.5
Novell ZENworks 7 Asset Management - ZAM7


Web Console would not run due to the Apache Tomcat Service crashing when connecting to an Oracle 9.x as the database backend.
Other symptoms seen were this error logged in the jakarta_service_*.log:
"2007-07-18 09:58:51][info] JNI An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM"
and this DLL mentioned in the same log (although it is not the only possible one involved): orantcp9.dll . Any of these sypmptoms should alert the user to check that TNSNames.ora is being used.


We have had an experience where using something other than tnsnames.ora caused problems, and the decision was made that ZAM will not support alternatives to tnsnames.ora.