Troubleshooting Remote Control Issues on ZENworks 10

  • 3912357
  • 30-May-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management


Rights based remote control throws authentication errors


Steps to enable debug Logs:

  1. Open Registry editor.
  2. Browse to HKLM\Software\Novell\Zenworks\Remote management\Agent
  3. Create a Dword called "DebugMode" with a value =2 and another DWORD "DebugLevel" with a value = a (hexadecimal equivalent of 10)
  4. Go to services and restart "Novell remote management Service powered by VNC"
  5. Attempt to launch the remote management session from ZCC ,either through Password based or Rights based.
  6. If the problem persists attach the WinVNC.log file under
Known Issue:
If the Beta 2"plugin" is installed in Firefox, remote control operations will fail based on password based operations. Remove the Beta 2 plugin and install the new one to fix this.
Creation and Administration of Remote Operators:
  1. There are no special remote operators in in ZENworks Configuration Management
  2. Administrators created from ZCC > Configurations page will act as remote operators
  3. Remote Operators must be given rights to use Rights Authentication remote control operations
The following steps below illustrate how configure an administrator to act as a remote operator through rights authentication:
  1. Create an Administrator in ZCC > Configurations > Administrators tab as 'rmop1' (for example)
  2. Click on the rmop1 object to view the rights page, where rights can be assigned to rmop1
  3. Click on Add > Remote Management Rights
  4. In the remote management rights snapin, select the devices, users and RM operations for this operator
  5. Press 'apply' for the configuration to take effect
  6. Log in through some ZCC as rmop1 and attempt rights based authentication to an assigned device or User