NAL Error: "D018" when an application distributes a file that is open

  • 3903833
  • 27-Feb-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Desktop Management 7 - ZDM7 Application Launcher (NAL)


It is not possible for an application object to distribute a file from the network that is already open.

The error is: Problem: Unable to Copy file ...... (D018


Fixed in ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Service Pack 1 Interim Release 3a, available at Novell Downloads

Additional Information

Root Cause:
In order for NAL to distribute a file an NCP "Open or Create File" packet request is sent to the server with the "Desired Access Rights" (0x0009) - Deny Write and Read only flags. To which a Lock Fail (as the file is open on the network) is received. The error message is then shown immediately.

In ZENworks for Desktop 4 before an error is shown another NCP"Open or Create File" packet is sent but this time only the"Desired Access Rights" (0x0001) - Read only flag is requested, this is possible and so the file is copied successfully.

Steps to Duplicate:
1) Create an application object that will distribute always a file from the network to the local drive.
2) Open the file directly from the network from a second PC.
3) On the first PC launch the NAL application.