No icons in NAL window

  • 3897162
  • 20-Nov-2006
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management - ZDM7 Application Launcher (NAL)
Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management - ZDM6.5 Application Launcher (NAL)


When launching NAL Window or NAL Explorer, from the windows startup group, no icons are seen.
If you run NALDIAG.EXE, you get an error "Failed to set root for refresh HRESULT -2147467259".
NALWIN is being launched in the Login Script with the /u parameter, to launch an application before the desktop is built.


Replace the"@" in the command used to launch NAL in the login script with"#".
Note that this may make the login process take a few seconds longer.

Additional Information

If NALWIN is being launched like this
@C:\progra~1\novell\zenworks\nalwin.exe : /a=[tree-name]:[app-name] /f /h /u
and then NAL launched from the Windows startup group, it's possible for the copy of NAL that was loaded via the login script to be in the process of unloading itself, when the second instance is requested.
Replacing"@" with "#" makes the login script processor wait for the first instance to be completely unloaded before continuing