ERROR: -646 Bad naming attribute in Report Synchronization status on a volume object

  • 3895843
  • 18-Jan-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.8 for NetWare 6.5
Novell eDirectory 8.8.1 for NetWare 6.5


ERROR: -646 Bad naming attribute in Report Synchronization status on a volume object
ERROR: -646 Bad naming attribute when trying to delete a volume object

A server was removed from the tree and the references were saved using a volume object


The volume object has a mandatory attribute called 'Host server' which should point to a server object. If the server is removed from the tree, the references can be saved using another object. If a volume is selected during the server removal as a reference holder, the volume's 'Host server' attribute will point to itself which will trigger a -646 error.

This issue is fixed in eDirectory 8.8.2 and the -646 error should not be reported anymore in this scenario.

In earlier versions the following procedure can be used as a workaround:

The problem can be fixed by pointing the 'Host server' to a temporary object using an LDIF file. First a temporary object, for example a user object needs to be created. Then an LDIF file needs to be written like the following example to replace the hostServer attribute:

dn: cn=NW65SP6_SYS,o=novell
changetype: modify
replace: hostServer
hostServer: cn=dummy,o=novell

Using this LDIF file the hostServer attribute of NW65SP6_SYS will be replaced to cn=dummy,o=novell. Once the reference has been replaced, the -646 errors should disappear and the object also can be deleted if necessary.