Novell GroupWise Internet Agent (GWIA) 7 SP2 HP1
Novell GroupWise 7 Post Office Agent SP1
When the customer tries to login via IMAP to the GWIA ( GW 7 SP2
HP1 ), the error is "NO LOGIN GroupWise login failed".
The error occurs if you TELNET to port 143 and issue the command 001 login
or if you use a imap client.
The error occurs if you TELNET to port 143 and issue the command 001 login
or if you use a imap client.
The customer had not updated the GroupWise Post Office Agent
(GWPOA.NLM) to match the HP1 version of the GWIA, once this was
done the error went away and they could login via IMAP. The
GWIA was not able to effectively login from the GWIA to the GWPOA
because of the version difference with this HP1 code.