Cannot cluster enable this volume. It is not attached to a server in the cluster

  • 3889224
  • 05-Oct-2006
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5
Novell NetWare 6.0
Novell Cluster Services 1.6
Novell Cluster Services 1.7
Novell Cluster Services 1.8


When attempting to Cluster enable a volume, ConsoleOne reports the following error: "Cannot cluster enable this volume. It is not attached to a server in the cluster"


When you cluster enable a volume, ConsoleOne starts by examining the volume object. This object must contain an attribute called "Host Server". The value of this attribute must be the name of an NCP Server object for one of your cluster nodes.

The NCP Server object must contain an attribute called "NCS:NetWare Cluster". This value of this attribute must be the name of an existing cluster object.

If that link is broken, ConsoleOne will report the above error.

You should be able to use ConsoleOne to look at the properties of the two objects to see if they contain the attributes I mentioned. If the attributes are not there, you should be able to add them and point them to the appropriate object. If the attributes already exist, but contain an incorrect value, you should also be able to correct that in ConsoleOne.

As soon as you have corrected the above, you should be able to Cluster enable your volumes.