iManager Plug-in Dependencies

  • 3882883
  • 15-Jan-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell iManager 2.6
Novell Identity Manager Identity Manager 3.0
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for All Platforms
Novell Clustering Services
Novell Storage Services


Which plug-ins are dependent on other plug-ins being installed?


With the new feature in iManager 2.6 allowing you to select plug-ins to download and install, users should pay attention to the description of the plug-ins in order to verify that a plug-in and all it's dependencies are also installed and updated at the same time. If a plug-in is installed with out another dependent plug-in, you risk problems with the plug-in functioning properly. The following is a list of all plug-ins that are dependent on other plug-ins along with the description of the plug-in that shows up when you are on the "Available Plug-ins" page in iManager 2.6.

Universal Password Management
Plug-in requirements:
DirXMLCommon.npm-IDM - Common Utilities Plugin (needed for Universal Password Plugin)
pwdpolicy.npm-Universal Password Management Plugin (requires DirXMLCommon + SharedContentV1)
SharedContentV1.npm-Novell iManager Content - needed for Universal Password

Storage Management (NSS)
Plug-in requirements:
nssmgmt.npm-(NSS) Storage Management Plugin (Requires Storage Shared plug-in)
storagemgmt.npm-Storage Shared Management Plugin - Required for NCS, NSS and ARK plug-ins

Novell Clustering Services (NCS)
Plug-in requirements:
ncsmgmt.npm-(NCS) Cluster Services Management Plugin (requires Storage Shared plug-in)
storagemgmt.npm-Storage Shared Management Plugin - Required for NCS, NSS and ARK plug-ins

Archive Versioning (ARK)
Plug-in requirements:
arkmgmt.npm-(ARK) Archive Versioning Plugin (requires Storage Shared plug-in)
storagemgmt.npm-Storage Shared Management Plugin - Required for NCS, NSS and ARK plug-ins

eDirectory 8.8 ICE plug-ins
Plug-in requirements:
ICEWiz.npm-eDirectory ICE Plugin - requires Extended Native Libraries Plugin
eDirExtended.npm-Extended Native Libraries, required for ICE Plugin

NOTE: The NPM dependencies for NSS, ARK, and NCS and the storage-related plug-ins contained therein are documented in the NSS Administration Guide: Novell iManager and Storage-Related Plug-Ins.

Specifically, the documentation states: "These plug-ins share code in common in the storagemgmt.npm file. If you use more than one of these plug-ins, you should install, update, or remove them all at the same time to make sure the common code works for all plug-ins. If you remove only one of the plug-ins, it removes the common code and breaks the remaining installed plug-ins."