How to change the title of an iFrame portlet at share page level

  • 3868662
  • 21-Jul-2006
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager Identity Manager 3.0
Novell Identity Manager Identity Manager 3.0 User Application


A shared page needs to contain multiple instances of the iFrame portlet. Is it possible to chance the title of the portlet instance from the preferences of the portlet at the shared page?


At this time it is not possible to change the title from the preferences of the portlet at the shared page level.
To change the title of the portlet instance:
1) Go to
the portlet admin
2) C
hange the setting under the "Settings" tab of the iFrame portlet instance.

An enhancement request was entered toallow the title tobe changed at the shared page level in a future release of Novell Identity Manager User Application.


Reported to Engineering