Novell Identity Manager 2.01
Novell Identity Manager 3.01
Novell Identity Manager 3.5
Active Directory Driver
Password synchronization enabled
Active Directory Driver
Password synchronization enabled
Error 9065 - Unable to determine value of attribute nspmDistributionPassword for object
Password Sync not working in Identy Manager from eDir to Active Directory. Password Sync works from Active Directory to eDir though.
9065 error in DSTRACE for the Password sync in the Active Directory Driver with Drivers and dirxml filters set.
Password Sync not working in Identy Manager from eDir to Active Directory. Password Sync works from Active Directory to eDir though.
9065 error in DSTRACE for the Password sync in the Active Directory Driver with Drivers and dirxml filters set.
There are a few potential sources of this error.
1. Verify that the Driver is Secutiry Equivalent to the admin user in the tree. This is under the properties of the driver, security equals page.
2. Verify the Server keys are the same on all servers. If they are not, you can get the above errors. TID 3092072 - Verifying and Resolving Tree Key Inconsistencies will walk you through the process of resolving tree key issues.
3. Verify that Time is synchronized across all servers in the tree.
After the above is correct, try setting the password again and see if it syncs across.
If you have problems with the steps outlined above contact Novell Support.
Additional Information
SDIKey information was inconsistent on the servers throughout the tree, causing the server to be unable to decrypt the information needed.
Formerly known as TID# 10099575
Formerly known as TID# 10099575