Novell Identity Manager Peoplesoft Driver Access denied Error

  • 3862152
  • 26-Mar-2008
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 3.5.1
Novell Identity Manager Driver - People Soft


After updating the Peopletools version in an environment, the PS driver will not start. The trace presents the following error.

Message:com.novell.nds.dirxml.driver.psoftshim.CIException: PeopleTools release (8.47.08) for web server '' is not the same as Application Server PeopleTools release (8.47.15). Access denied.


The tools version on the application server and the tools version being used by the driver must be the same version. Copy the PSJOA.jar file from the App server (web/psjoa directory) and replace the one where the driver is running.

Note: renaming the psjoa.jar file is not the same as replacing it.  If you wish to have a backup copy of this file, you'll want to copy it off box and delete/replace the original.  Renaming the existing one and installing a new one will not work.