Error 8901 and licensing problems on NetWare

  • 3860668
  • 03-Mar-2008
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 6
SuSE Enterprise Linux Server 10 Support Pack 1
Recently the Master and Read/Write partitions were moved from the NetWare servers to the Linux servers.


8901 errors in login scripts while users were trying to login.
Only system and pubic directories were being seen on the SYS volume for admin equivalent users.
A CIFS resource failed to load on the node in the cluster that had been rebooted.


The NetWare servers were not getting a license even though the license object is installed correctly in the tree. A NetWare server needs to hold a copy, Master or Read/Write, of the partitionwhere the license object resides.

Additional Information

Running a set nlstrace=2 yields this error in the log
"Unable to find NLSLSP.NLM running on a server with a Master or Read/Write replica of the partition containing NLS:Publisher=Novell+NLS:Product=NetWare 6 Server+NLS:Version=650"