Novell ZENworks Linux Management Linux Management 7 - ZLM7
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10
How to mirror the SLES10-Updates and SLED10-Updates catalogs from the update.novell.com server.
Mirroring the SLES10-Updates and SLED10-Updates catalogs from update.novell.com server instructions:
- Activation codes are needed before you start this process. If one is needed go to https://download.novell.com/, click on SLES 10 or SLED 10 to download then click the Get Activation button for an evaluation code.
- Either during install, reigister this activation code or after install in Software Updater, found in the lower right hand corner of your screen. The following command can be issued to register an activation code manually also:suse_register -a email= EMAIL -a regcode-sles= REGCODE(for SLES)
suse_register -a email=EMAIL-a regcode-sled=REGCODE(for SLED)
NOTE: These two commands have to be run on the respective Operating Systems. You cannot register SLED on SLES nor SLES on SLED. - Once this is done and registered, copy the contents of the the /etc/zmd/deviceid and /etc/zmd/secret into your xml file that is going to be mirrored.
- The name of the catalogs are "SLES10-Updates" and "SLED10-Updates".
- Create the xml file in the same way for other mirroring but in the
section put in the deviceid as the and the secret as the . - Here is an example of the xml file:
https://update.novell.com/data rce deviceidgoeshere secretgoeshere zlm administrator novell SLES10-Updates SLES10
NOTE: Two xml files will need to be created, one for SLED and one for SLES since you will have a different deviceid and secret for each box you registered. - Issue the commandzlmmirror m -cnameofxmlfile(for a dry run add a -n on the end of it)
Additional Information
NOTE: If using an older version than ZLM 7.2, create all the Custom Target Platforms for each platform that is going to mirrored before the mirror takes place in the Configuration - Platforms page in ZCC.