ZFS 3 MIB Compile fails to remove 3rd pty Alarms when compiling just ZFS 3 shipping MIBs.

  • 3852571
  • 25-Sep-2006
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks for Servers 3.0.
Novell Management and Monitoring Services.
Novell MIB Tool Administration.


ZFS 3 MIB Compile fails to remove 3rd pty Alarms when compiling just ZFS 3 shipping MIBs.


This is behaving as designed in the present code. Removing the MIB (or MIBs) from the list of compiled MIBs and recompiling doesn't remove the MIB's Alarms from the Alarm Disposition Table. To remove the unwanted third party Alarms in the Disposition Table, unload all ZFS 3 processes, including the SYBASE database engine and restore the \EMPTYDB\ database files to the \DB directory. All files in the \DB directory should be removed before copying in the \EMPTYDB\ files.

Restoring the \EMPTYDB\ files that were created during the install will cause customizations to be lost. To create and restore a customized empty database, see TID ( https://www.novell.com/support/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=10086393&sliceId=&dialogID=14407574&stateId=0%200%2014409765).

This will be handled differently in future products. The Alarm Disposition Table with be consistent with the most recent compiled MIBs.
After compiling many third party MIBs, steps to go back to the shipping ZFS 3 MIBs:

1. Unload ZFS Site Mgmt modules.
2. Delete all \MIBPOOL\ MIBs and \MIBSERVERPOOL\TEMP\ MIBs (if any)
3. Restore the shipping ZFS 3 mibs. If a copy was not made of the \MIBPOOL\ directory before compiling 3rd Party MIBs, the base ZFS 3 MIBs are on the Product CD in: \ZFS\SVRMGMT\MMS\SERVER\MWSERVER\MIBCSERVER\MIBSERVERPOOL\MIBPOOL\.
4. Reload Site Mgmt modules and C1 and verify the base Alarms are in the Disposition Table and that the 3rd Party MIBs are no longer listed.

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10081537