ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 2 - ZDM6.5 SP2
Application Launcher (NAL)
ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 Application
Launcher (NAL)
ERROR: An error occurred
while attempting to convert the file
exporting an Application Object that has either a Legacy System
Requirement or a Distribution Rule, that specifies a registry value
that's a DWORD (i.e., not a string), the value that's stored in the
AXT (or XML file in the case of Distribution Rules) is binary and
doesn't appear to be readable.
Note the
value here is "ã" (Unicode E3, "Latin Small Letter A with
Distribution Rules, attempting to import the AXT results in the
above error.
To obtain
access to a hot patch with the fix for this problem, follow the
instructions in KB 3484245 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop
Management" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
Important Note: Even after
applying this patch. creating an AXT file with the distribution
rules registry dword entry will still be incorrect, unless the
Application Object is updated.
The app
object the AXT came from has old values for the distribution rules
registry dword entry. It is necessary to open the dialog as if
editing the dword entry and then press OK to re-save using the
updated snap-in from the patch. Then, when this app object is next
exported to AXT, the XML file will be correct.
For Legacy
System requirements, this is working as designed. The value is
simply the binary value of the registry value, represented as ANSI
(similar to ASCII) characters - in the above example, "ã" is ANSI
character E3, which is 227 in Decimal. The value is interpreted
correctly when imported into a new application object.
Additional Information
To interpret the
characters as a number, take the characters and look up their ANSI
value - if the value was shown as "?x" for example, the ANSI values
for those characters are "?"=3F(hex) and "x"=78(hex): putting them
together, we get the hex number 3F78, which is 16248 decimal.Some
characters may not display correctly, and you would need an editor
capable of viewing these.