After moving an appointment, text from the message body is lost.

  • 3843958
  • 30-Apr-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 7 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2


When moving an appointment in GroupWise 7.0.1 any content in the message body of the appointment is lost.


Corrective Steps:
Upgrade to Novell GroupWise 7 Support Pack 2. This issue has been fixed in this service pack.

Additional Information

Steps to Duplicate:

1. Login to GroupWise client 7 Service Pack 1 and click on the calendar.
2. Right click on any time in the calendar and choose New>Appointment.
3. Add a user and create the appointment or meeting. Make sure there is text in the body of the appointment and click send to send the appointment.
4. Next, in the calendar view move the appointment to a different time and it will ask you if you want to perform a busy search, click yes.
5. You will see the body of the text is lost.