Deploying the ZENworks Patch Management MSI Agent via ZENworks NAL

  • 3838372
  • 25-Feb-2008
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.4 - ZPM6.4
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.3 - ZPM6.3 Agent
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 6.2 - ZPM6.2 Agent
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Support Pack 1 - ZDM7 SP1 Application Launcher (NAL)
Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 2 - ZDM6.5 SP2 Application Launcher (NAL)


Deploying the PatchLink MSI Agent via ZENworks NAL


Installing the ZPM 6.4 agent
The 6.4 agent MSI contains a check to ensure that the user running the application is an administrative user: this is because the MSI launches an EXE which requires administrative access, and this would fail if the install is performed by a non-administrative user, with only elevated MSI rights.
So, instead, we use a simple application, which runs MSIEXEC.EXE, as an unsecure system user, and specify the necessary parameters.
For example, using parameters from the table below, you might use
/i \\server\volume\directory\UpdateAgent.msi /qn HOST= SERIAL=12345678-12345678
See the table below for optional parameters.

t is possible to make a permanent change to the MSI with Orca (or another MSI editor). Follow the instructions in the section "Modifying the MSI File" in the Agent Installation Guide found in the ZENworks Patch Management Documentation, which is located at

Installing the ZPM 6.3 agent
Prior to, it was necessary for the local user to have administrative rights, or for the install to take place in workstation security space. With onwards, it is possible to install the agent using standard ZENworks MSI objects even for non-administrative users.
First you will need to download the MSI Agent. From the Patch Management Web Interface, go to the Computers Page. Click on the Install button, this will bring up the Agent Window. You will want to download the Single Agent Windows MSI Installer. This file can also be located on the ZPM server, in the directory c:\program files\patchlink\update server\webroot\download

If you want to push out the Patch Management Agent silently without user intervention, it is necessary to add the Host name, serial number and (optionally) proxy information. This can be done two ways:

  1. The simplest is to use the built-in ZENworks facilities. Create an app using the MSI file, then open it and go to MSI->Properties and click'add'. Select HOST, and enter your server's information as the data (in the form http://[your ZPM server] or https://[your ZPM server]), SERIAL, and enter your server's serial number.
    If you need to enter the PROXY name and port, the properties required are different prior to to those required for more recent versions:
    For versions prior to,
    you will need to type in the property as PROXY (note the property names must be in upper case) and provide the name and port as [proxy server]:[port].

  2. It is possible to make a permanent change to the MSI with Orca (or another MSI editor). Follow the instructions in the section "Modifying the MSI File" in the Agent Installation Guide found in the ZENworks Patch Management Documentation, which is located at

Optional Parameters
For and newer, you will need the appropriate options from the following table (property names must be in upper case)

Property6.3 ( onwards)6.4
USEPROXYWhether or not a proxy is used. 0=No, 1=YesWhether or not a proxy is used. 0=No, 1=Yes
PROXYURLThe URL (or IP) of your Proxy:Proxy PortThe URL (or IP) of your Proxy
PROXYPORT[not used]The port number of your Proxy
PROXYUSERLogin user for an Authenticated ProxyLogin user for an Authenticated Proxy
PROXYPASSLogin password for an Authenticated ProxyLogin password for an Authenticated Proxy
GROUPLISTAutomatically add the Agent to the defined Group(s)Automatically add the Agent to the defined Group(s)

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10094213