Upgrading ZAM x.x Collection Server to ZAM 7.5 on Oracle 10g DB fails

  • 3837673
  • 28-Jun-2007
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7.5 Asset Management - ZAM7.5


ZAM Manager upgrade and login to the Database was successful.
ODBC DSN connection test is successful.
Collection Server ServerName in the registry (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Tally Systems Corp.\TSCensus\Collection Server\) is for the correct DSN and is in agreement with the ODBC Data Sources GUI value.
The Collection Server has been restarted many times.


// ----------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --- Log Opened: 6/26/2007 10:40:21 AM

Module: DBPersist - 6/26/2007 10:40:21 AM
Method: HandleError
RWDBStatus - Code: 5 Terminal: FALSE
Message: SQL call failed.
Error1: 12154 Message1: 08004
Error2: 1 Message2: [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

Module: DBPersist - 6/26/2007 10:40:21 AM
Method: HandleError
DOXException [2.5.4] DOXErrorChain:
[2.5.3] DBOracleErrorHandler::serverError() -
Param1 {[5] SQL call failed.}
Param2 {[12154] 08004}
Param3 {[1] SQL call failed.}
Param4 {}

[2.5.4] DBOracleErrorHandler::serverError() -
Param1 {}
Param2 {}
Param3 {}
Param4 {}

[2.5.4] DBOracleErrorHandler::serverError() -
Param1 {}
Param2 {}
Param3 {}
Param4 {}

// --- Log Closed: 6/26/2007 10:40:21 AM
// ----------------------------------------------------------------- //"


Two Oracle clients (8i & 10g) were installed on the server. Once the Oracle environment was set correctly for the Oracle DB version being connected to, the upgrade was successful. It is recommended that only the correct Oracle client version for the ZAM Oracle DB be installed on each ZAM server.